
We can do it!

Sometimes kids say: "I can't do it!". They don't trust themselves to do something. Or they have made a mistake and feel bad about it. But we already know that you can always learn from mistakes. And that's why mistakes are our friends! You have to try out different possibilities. That's what we learn in our research tasks. That's what famous scientists do. And it's the same when you're not so good at something yet. For example, riding a bike or skipping rope, writing letters or numbers, telling stories and drawing pictures. Some things you have to try out and practise again and again. It gets better and better and suddenly you're doing really well. You' re not alone in the class. We're all there to help you. We encourage each other and say: "We can do it! Let's give it a try". In the end you're proud of what you have achieved, especially if it was difficult in the beginning.

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